

Not happy with your current property manager?

Please call our property managers on 07 3376 2363 or send us an email.

Here are some good reasons why you should join us.

  1. One simple step to move your property management service to Optime Properties

Moving to us is easy! Simply download and complete this real estate agent cancellation letter, then email us. We will complete the rest of the process saving you time and the hassle with speaking with your previous agents.

  2. Get Paid when you want it

Need payments in you account? We can do payments of all available and cleared funds into your bank account twice a month, so you wont need to wait around for monthly payments with other agents.

  3. Communication  

Our Property Manager's involve you in approving applications, larger maintenance items, renewals of your tenant's lease and when reviewing the rent. With great communication, you won't be left in the dark about what is happening with your property where it be bad or good news.

  4. We’re Investors Too

Many of our staff own investment properties themselves and understand what investor’s want, low vacancies, good tenants and reliable trades people who support the maintenance of their properties.

  5. Training

All Optime Properties staff regularly attend training, both external and in-house, and are fully briefed in all of the industries related legislation.

  6. Hours of operation

Optime Properties is open Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm. Our property managers are contactable via the office contact number, direct email and their business mobile. Our website, booking service and window displays operate 24/7.